Monday, December 14, 2009

Exercise 3- Part 2

A variety of Christmas songs are playing one after the other in the store. People start coming in, cold, running into the store knowing that it will be warmer than the outdoor weather. As this particular family comes in, consisting of six individuals, father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, and 2 kids, a girl who is four years old, and the boy is almost six years old. The grand parents just walk through the store, very slowly, enjoying the items on display and talking about how they love Christmas because all of their sons and daughters and their children come and spend at least 2 weeks at their house.

The father automatically goes to the electronics department, “just looking” at the new flat screen TVs and the computers and the phones, and he is just looking because he promised his wife not to spend too much money on things they don’t need. The mother on the other hand, takes both kids and goes to the house ware department, she wants to get a new dinning set for her home because she will be hosting thanksgiving dinner and Christmas eve’s dinner, and by dinning set she does not just want plates, no, she wants the table cloth, the plates, the silver ware the glasses, everything, so she will not be deciding what she will buy any time soon. The kids are just running around the store, staying near their mother, as they were told, but also doing some shopping for themselves as well. Whenever they find anything they like, they pick it up and go straight to their mother asking her to buy it for them with a huge smile, and all they get in return is “ put that back where you got it! We are not here to buy none sense!” As the mother raises her voice yelling at the children, people look at her, but as soon as they realize she is actually yelling at her kids, no one actually looks at her for more than a second, simply because it is expected that something like that will happen.

The family browses around the store looking for things to catch their attention, the kids playing and laughing and picking things randomly off the shelves taking them to their mother, convincing her to buy it for them. the mother at this point had already found what she wanted, and was very happy with her decision, so she puts it in her shopping cart and starts paying attention to her children. She goes with them where ever they want and looks for things on sale and things that have offers and such, with help for the grandparents, they manage to talk to a couple of workers there that helped them find what they were looking for. The kids were thrilled that they got new things, it didn’t matter to them whether they really wanted it or not, all they cared about was getting new things, in the spirit of the holidays of course.

After hours of looking around, talking, yelling and deciding, the mother was ready to pay, so she told her son to go get his father so they can leave. As the mother looks up to search for her husband she realizes how busy the store got, then she looks at her wristwatch to realize that she has been shopping for almost three hours now. She turns to her kids and asks them where they want to eat with a smile, and they choose burger king, so the mother and father pay for their things and go to grab something to eat before they head home.  

Exercise 3- Part 1

The location is a department store in a mall just a few days before thanksgiving. People are shopping for thanksgiving and Christmas gifts; looking for sales, good deals, kids are running around carrying different kinds of clothes and toys, parents are shifting between departments in the department store and older people are walking in a very slow pace enjoying the atmosphere of the holidays. All anyone can hear is the Christmas songs played in the background, and the sound of people talking to the workers about information about the gifts and the offers that come with it if they buy it, and other offers on other things; I can also hear the sound of the kids running around and laughing while playing with one another while waiting for their parents to finish what they came for.


More and more people enter the mall, it’s getting more and more busy, the workers are running around, trying to help all the customers to get what they want, the managers step in to help out, solving problems that occur in high seasons like this. Customers are getting tired and irritated, yet they are carrying on with the shopping. Still happy that thanksgiving and Christmas are finally here. As I look into the kids’ faces, all I can see is purity, happiness, laughter, and innocence. Most of the kids do not know what they are doing in the mall, but they are just happy to be out and playing. The joy on their faces makes anyone smile. Hours and hours pass by and people mostly got what they were shopping for, satisfied, they will just grab a quick bite and will be on their way home.    

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Exercise 2 - Expressive Lighting-

Chiaroscuro Lighting is the most expressive in my point of view and that is why I chose it. In this painting, the light comes from the background, giving the trees the dark shadow and more definition to stand out in the light. This kind of lighting often makes objects highlighted or the center of the screen (if in movies). So basically the light source is the sunset (which is even a stronger kind of light source for definition), and if this was a photograph, the camera would have been place opposite to the light source. 

In this photograph, I followed the same steps. The light source was the sunset, and the camera was on the opposite side of the light source, giving the person in the picture more definition, yet no facial details.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

picture 6

this picture also shows depth of field. the sign in the foreground and the line of cars parked give the impression that the street appears to be longer than it really is.

picture 5

this picture is simple, i liked the colors on the creamer box so i took the picture.

picture 4

this picture shows the depth of field with the big truck and the cars on the left of it lined up.. looks the parking lot was full when it really was not.

picture 3

i took this picture intentionally out of focus to make it look blurry.. as if the time is not clear..

picture 2

I took this picture in a way to make the AC remote out of focus and to make the glass in it reflect the outside view and put in more in focus.

Exercise 1 part 2- picture 1

I took this picture because in the foreground the sign is written in green and white and in the background, there is the clear blue sky. I love the colors and the wires that go through the picture between the sign and the sky.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Photography by: Robert F. Riberia

Nature. the shadows of the big mountains on the side, reflect on the small mountains in the foreground, and highlighting the mountains that lay behind them. the red mountains form some sort of a margin that portraits the mountains in the background. the light use is amazing.

Photography by: Eno

The photographer captured movement. the model looks as if she is floating. great light exposure.

Photography by: Marco Guerra

I believe that the photographer did a great job by placing the model on the side of the picture, rather than in the middle. Her position makes the stairs look like a journey she doesn't want to go through.
The model's body language speaks disappointment and beauty.

Photography by: Steve McCurry

I just love this picture. the eyes of this girl just make this picture alive.

Photography by: Youssef Abdel Aal

a few of the objects in this picture are actually the same size. but the way the photographer set them up, and the angle he chose makes it appear that some are smaller than the other. he also has only 2 or 3 objects in focus and he left all the other objects out of focus which also gives the audience a feeling that the objects aren not really the same size.

Photography by: Youssef Abdel Aal

This picture is very simple and very straight forward. the photographer actually used the camera to magnify the inside of the cigarette, giving it a completely different and strange look.
i love it because it would take you a few seconds to actually know what is the object that is photographed.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Photography by: Rene Burri

This picture makes you feel that the car closest to the camera is bigger than the other cars, and that is what the photographer would want us to think. And the man in the end looks very small compared to that car, because the car is in the foreground and the man is away from the car's angle and in the extreme background.

Photography by: Rene Burri

In this picture, the photographer captured the movement of the birds flying away. You can tell from the picture that the birds are actually flying away from something, maybe they are scared of something, and I believe that is a great emotion to get just by looking at a picture.

Photography by: George Edward Anderson

I am just in love with this picture. It is so natural, and has amazing focus on the old people's face.
The photographer used the length of the dinning table and the amount of people sitting at the table to take this picture flawlessly with depth of field. And to top it off, the trees kind of form a margin around the people waiting to have dinner.

Photography by: Francis Bedford

This picture is one of my favorites. It contains almost all the elements of a good photographer, from my point of view. The trees kind of form a frame like pattern that highlights the beam of light in the middle of the picture. And the water is so pure that you can actually see the reflection of the trees and light on to it. Most importantly, the picture contains depth of field and an outstanding use of colour.

Photography by: Francis Bedford

In this picture, the photographer keeps every detail with in focus. Starting from the background, you can clearly see all the beautiful bulidings. And you can tell by theis picture how calm the water and the weather was. I also admire the use of colours in this photograph, it serves it very well.

Photography by: Cris Alexander

I admire this picture because even though the plant is extremely small in reality, yet the photographer managed to emphasize how big it is by putting it in the middle of the man's hand, and keeping it in focus, and kept everything else that surrounds the plant, out of focus.